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The initial foundation of Vision was formed in 1975. After returning from exploring the west coast in a US Post Office surplus van, John and Judy Hinman moved into a small apartment in Carrollton, Georgia. In exchange for free rent, they agreed to work part-time as the landlord for the twenty-two unit apartment complex. Shortly thereafter, they purchased their first rental house which Vision Realty still manages today. Through creative financing techniques, principled investment and management, they steadily built a successful single-family house rental investment portfolio. In 2010, Adam Hinman joined Vision. John and Adam leveraged Vision’s experience to invest in several hundred single-family houses. In 2016, Adam decided to offer the Vision property management processes and real estate experience to other investors and turned Vision into a full-service real estate brokerage.
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Vision Realty & Management Brokers
Vision Realty & Management Listings
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