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Rivercrest Realty Investors - Raleigh, NC
8816 Six Forks Rd Suite 201 Raleigh, NC 27615 (919) 846-4046
Founded in 1969 and based in Raleigh, North Carolina, Rivercrest Realty Investors is a privately owned and operated commercial real estate company specializing in the acquisition, long-term ownership and management of shopping centers, office buildings, and apartments throughout the eastern United States. Since the company’s inception, Rivercrest has assembled a portfolio of high quality assets from New York to Florida.
Their investment strategy focuses on acquiring quality real estate as well as creating value through first-rate management of those assets. They understand that every income producing property is a distinct small business and will perform best when intensively managed by its proprietor. As a result, they eschew third-party management, and focus all of their attention on their own assets. The reward for managing every property they acquire themselves has been consistent investment returns and steady property appreciation.
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