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People's Choice Realty Services, LLC - Tampa, FL
4014 Gunn Hwy Suite 243 Tampa, FL 33618 (813) 933-0677
Started in 2002, PEOPLE’S CHOICE REALTY SERVICES has had a focus to help its agents, when representing Sellers, to help those Sellers to obtain the MOST NET, in the LEAST AMOUNT OF TIME with the LEAST AMOUNT OF STRESS and when representing Buyers, to help those Buyers to find the BEST HOUSE AT THE BEST PRICE IN THE LEAST AMOUNT OF TIME.
They stay focused on creating new tools, services and ways to help their agents to make the most money in the least amount of time with the least amount of stress. That makes for a happier life.
PEOPLE’S CHOICE REALTY SERVICES supports hundreds of agents in the Tampa Bay market and takes pride in providing them with the best possible training and support to maintain the highest standard of service to the public.
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