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Gaedeke Group is a best-in-class, full-service owner and operator of office buildings across the U.S. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Gaedeke’s portfolio encompasses millions of square feet of Class A real estate in Arizona, Texas, Florida, New York, and Washington, D.C.
Founded in 1995, Gaedeke Group delivers investment, acquisition, leasing, management, construction management, and portfolio management services that work in concert to build long-term value. With each property, they provide for continuous upgrades and operational enhancements — while maintaining competitive pricing in the major markets they serve.
Gaedeke Group surpasses both critical commitments. As an affiliate of the owner of the buildings they manage and lease, Gaedeke Group has a vested interest in keeping their properties in top condition. Through ongoing investments in the buildings and on-site management, they are able to maintain an aesthetic and functional edge.
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