Spokane, WA - USA Commercial Real Estate Brokers


Katie Bohr

Katie Bohr joined the team at Goodale & Barbieri in 2022 as a Commercial Broker & Leasing Manager.

Goodale & Barbieri Company | Spokane, WA

Languages: English

office (509) 459-6109

mobile (509) 344-4906


Greg Byrd

Producing Property Solutions

Byrd Real Estate Group | Spokane, WA

office (509) 326-8080


Brandon Marchand

The Spokane Home Guy Group | Spokane, WA

Languages: English

office (509) 991-6146


Ivanna Miakota

Specializing in Investment Real Estate and Multi-Family Development

Kelly Right Real Estate | Spokane, WA

Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian

office (206) 356-4174

mobile (206) 356-4174


Steve Schneider

Schneider Enterprises, LLC | Spokane, WA

office (509) 993-6568


Eric Peterson

Specializing in Retail, Office, and Restaurant

Goodale & Barbieri Company | Spokane, WA

Languages: English

office (509) 903-9077


David Peterson

David has been with Goodale & Barbieri Company since 1977 and serves as the company's Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer.

Goodale & Barbieri Company | Spokane, WA

Languages: English

office (509) 459-6113


John Leland

Always Upward.

Upward Advisors | Spokane, WA

Languages: English

office (509) 808-0302

mobile (509) 994-6767


Bill Duffy

Bill specializes in office, retail, and medical building management and real estate investment and leasing.

Goodale & Barbieri Company | Spokane, WA

Languages: English

office (509) 344-4917


Shannon Ahern

Liberty Building Owner

Liberty Building LLC | Spokane, WA

Languages: English

office (509) 385-2369


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