Knoxville, TN - USA Commercial Real Estate Brokers


Jay Cobble

Specializes in proving brokerage services to Fortune 500 companies and the Federal Government, to local small business owners or investors.

Providence Commercial Real Estate | Knoxville, TN

office (865) 777-0202

mobile (865) 207-9711


Michael Moore

Southeast Regional Commercial Real Estate Advisor

NAI Koella | RM Moore | Knoxville, TN

Languages: English

office (865) 531-6400 x1411


Justin Sterling

Senior Retail Advisor & Shopping Center Expert in East Tennessee

NAI Koella | RM Moore | Knoxville, TN

Languages: English

office (865) 777-3030


Brian Tapp

Specializes in industrial sales and leasing, land assemblage for development, retail sales and leasing, and tenant representation.

CBRE | Knoxville, TN

office (865) 498-6500 x2


Andy Hillmer

Principal Broker at Southern Commercial

Southern Commercial LLC | Knoxville, TN

Languages: English

office (865) 588-0882 x101


Louise Frazier

Specializes in leasing and sales of office buildings for property owners.

Blue Ridge Realty, Inc. | Knoxville, TN

office (865) 963-8981 x102

mobile (865) 719-1486


Robert Shagan

Commercial Realty Corporation | Knoxville, TN

office (865) 693-3300

mobile (865) 973-3000


Hyatt Holbrook

Specializing in office and land transactions in Knoxville

Blue Ridge Realty, Inc. | Knoxville, TN

office (865) 963-0070


Cohl Morgan

Specializing in Multifamily in Tennessee

SVN | Wood Properties | Knoxville, TN

office (865) 936-9999

mobile 8656039887


John Adams

CBRE | Knoxville, TN

office (865) 498-6500 x1

mobile (865) 256-2719


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