Sheri Oshins

Sheri Oshins

Realtor, RE/Max Centre Realtors

Jamison, PA 18929

Phone (215) 343-8200

Property Types
Sheri Oshins is an enthusiastic individual, and real estate, design and client relationships are fundamental to flaming that passion. Born with the “chutzpa” of a native Brooklynite, yet raised in New Jersey, she has the tenacity and determination to help with everyone's real estate needs. Sheri helps her clients purchase or sell existing homes, but also collaborates with a custom builder and because of that, she can offer another layer of service. Her experience in new construction, renovation, and design, provides her with additional skills needed to help clients take their dream from concept to creation. At the core of Sheri's business is the belief that her experience is key to her success. Whether building, buying, selling, or investing, Sheri's goal is to get her clients the best price, in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of hassle.
Rutgers University
100% Club 2022