Richard Percival

Richard Percival

Director, Carigiet Cowen

Carlisle, CA1 2BT

Phone +44 1228 544733

Richard is a Director of the company and has a wide range of experience within the commercial property market.
Property Types
Industrial, Land, Office, Retail, Flex
Cumbria, Shropshire & Staffordshire, Southern Scotland
Carlisle born Richard Percival joined Carigiet Cowen in April 2002 having previously worked and studied in the North East for some 12 years. He graduated from the University of Northumbria in 1994. Initially he worked for Storey Sons & Parker before moving to Chesterton where he primarily dealt with business space agency and development projects. Richard is a Director of the company and has a wide range of experience within the commercial property market although his main roles remain agency and development led.