Peirce MacGill

Peirce MacGill

Assistant Director of Economic Development, City of Harrisonburg

Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Phone (540) 432-7701

Peirce Macgill is the Assistant Director of Economic Development for the City of Harrisonburg, working to grow and attract businesses to the city. Prior to joining the city, Peirce spent 15 years working in economic development for Baltimore County, MD and Anne Arundel County, MD serving in business development and commercial revitalization roles. Prior to his economic development experience, he worked as a Constituent Services Representative in the office of United States Senator Chuck Robb. Peirce earned both his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and his Masters in Public Administration from James Madison University. In 2010, he earned the designation of Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) from the International Economic Development Council.