Lou Barbee
Real Estate Agent, RE/MAX Real Estate Group
Cleveland, OH 44140
Phone (440) 899-0000 x709
Property Types
Office, Retail
Lou Barbee has been a presence in Cleveland Real Estate for over 20 years - and has always had a different perspective.<br /> “It’s the people and the relationships that count. Those relationships are what make it fresh and fun every day.”<br /> Although she has been responsible for the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars in property transfers, she still believes real estate is very personal and the homes are almost immaterial.<br /> "The best part of real estate is the people I meet and even though the relationships may be short term, all my clients and customers all enrich my life in one way or another. <br /> Every one of them has a story. Each of them has something to teach me. When our time is up, I really do miss them - and I never forget them.”<br /> Don’t think that caring means that her approach is soft. In fact, tough but fair is a far better description. Caring about her clients is what brings out the ‘mother bear.’<br /> “If you invest years of experience into providing the most excellent service you can AND you really care, the sales just happen. <br /> I love what I do. What else could I do where I meet interesting people, make friends, get to be a part of their lives, have fun - & when it’s all over, someone gives me money?”<br /><br />Real estate from a different perspective….YOURS.<br />