John Mambrino

John Mambrino

Vice Chairman, Savills

New York, NY 10022

Phone (212) 326-1025

John Mambrino is a tenant representative serving as Vice Chairman at Savills in Manhattan, NY.
Tenant Rep (Office)
Property Types
Long Island (New York), New York City, Northern New Jersey, South Florida
Over the course of his 20-year Savills career, John Mambrino has become one of the firm’s top-producing brokers, earning him a coveted position as the firm’s vice chairman. John is accomplished in assisting partnerships and corporations with developing and implementing their strategic plans and providing full-service tenant representation services. Based in the firm’s Midtown Manhattan, this includes the acquisitions and disposition of facilities all across the New York metropolitan region. John’s understanding of the needs of both tenants and landlords, having worked as a landlord agent before joining Savills, provides him with insight and leverage to negotiate the most advantageous transaction terms for his clients. John’s clients have included some of the most prestigious names in their respective industries such as Accenture, Arnold & Porter, Giorgio Armani, Lukoil, Shiseido Cosmetics and UniCredit.
Villanova University (B.A.), Economics
Member - Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY)
Elected to REBNY’s Commercial Brokerage Division’s Board of Directors, 2007.