Jim Weir
Broker Associate, Hawkeye Commercial Real Estate
Davenport, IA 52807
He believe service plus sacrifice equals success
Phone (563) 344-4295
He believe service plus sacrifice equals success
Property Types
Land, Office
Davenport/Moline/Rock Island
After military duty Jim Weir was looking for opportunity to learn and earn money with flex time, so he decided to sell real estate. He has enjoyed real estate throughout the years and has never been sorry for his career choice. Jim credits his success to his wife, George “Pep” Young Agency and Arthur “Bud” Hill, Broker (the greatest Broker Jim has ever known), and the collective Board of REALTORS®. They shared, cared and learned together. Also, being a real estate agent Jim is able to do what he loves to do and he gets paid for it. He believe service plus sacrifice equals success.
Jim, learned these three most important things over the years; 1. from Roy Carver “Work like you’re going to live forever and live like you’re going to die tomorrow”; 2. From Paul Womack “Integrity covers all Business.” 3. Experience is the best teacher, not theory. Jim’s advice to everyone is “To set goals. Winners make goals; losers make excuses.”
Jim enjoys helping people who want to help themselves. He never likes to tell people what to do, he gives them all options from his experiences then they can decide what is best for them.
Jim has been blessed with a great family. He and his wife Pat have had the opportunity to work side by side. They have two outstanding sons Ben and J.D, two grandsons Brennan and Davis, and extended family, friends, and clients. Jim says this journey has been a great trip and thanks everyone for their support and understanding.