Jessie Zhou
Realtor, JC Pacific Capital Inc.
Irvine, CA 92606
Phone (949) 667-2812
Property Types
Orange County (California)
Why choose Jessie Zhou as your real estate agent? For one thing, she really listens to you and will work tirelessly on your behalf! <br />Hello, I am Jessie Zhou, full time realtor in Irvine.<br />For sellers, I always use the latest Internet marketing tools to expose your property to the widest possible range of qualified buyers.<br />For buyers, I have been living in Irvine for years and just love it. Being the board member of Village Glen (Woodbridge) in Irvine, I know all the neighborhoods inside-out, and can help you select the best one for your family's needs.<br />Specialty: First time buyer; relocation; new immigration investment; property management<br /><br />youtube english: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANXYy8klNv4&feature=youtu.be<br />youtube Chinese http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIB6MJwOJLU&feature=youtu.be<br />http://vimeo.com/64589761<br />http://vimeo.com/64589718<br />