Honi Khiziran

Honi Khiziran

Broker, MK Global Realty Co

Lincolnwood, IL 60712

Phone (847) 845-4806

Property Types
Industrial, Retail, Multi-Family, Health Care
As your MK GLOBAL real estate broker, understanding and achieving your real estate goals is Honi’s highest priority. Neighborhood knowledge and market insight, along with outstanding personal service are the cornerstones of his business. As a part of one of the leading brokerages in the Chicagoland area, Honi can offer you advanced tools and resources. Whether you are buying or selling, Honi will provide guidance at each step of the way. Honi invites you to him to discuss your next steps.
  • NAR - National Association of Realtors
  • AWREP - American Warrior Real Estate Professional
  • CNE - Certified Negotiation Expert