Greg Barrouk

Greg Barrouk

Director of Commercial Real Estate, Lewith & Freeman Real Estate

Kingston, PA 18704

Phone (570) 288-9371

Greg has 20+ years of economic development, government, and commercial real-estate expertise.
Investment Sales Broker
Property Types
Industrial, Land, Office, Retail, Flex
Greg has 20+ years of economic development, government, and commercial real-estate expertise. Highly respected in the local commercial real estate arena, Greg focused the start of his career on downtown revitalization and economic development. His love for the area, as well as his extensive and business development and market knowledge, progressed to a successful career in commercial real estate, where he works to meet the goals of his clients. One of NEPA’s renowned business professionals, Greg served as the Administrator of the City of Wilkes-Barre, where he was instrumental in the growth of the downtown business district. Greg’s commitment to our area is apparent in all he does. His community volunteering is focused on community development organizations as well as the health and well-being of children. His board appointments include the Diamond City Partnership Executive Committee, Downtown Wilkes-Barre Business and Residents Association, Wilkes University Master Planning Committee, Luzerne County Diversity Commission, and Wilkes-Barre Little League among others.
Wilkes University