Dick Ford
President, Dick Ford Company
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone (806) 355-1500
Property Types
Office, Flex
Dallas/Ft Worth
Graduated from West Texas A & M in 1980
Obtained Real Estate Brokerage License in 1981
Worked for Coldwell/Banker - Amarillo from 1981 to 1983
Started Dick Ford Company in 1983 to Present
Dick has been involved in all facets of Commercial Real
Estate. Originally started in commercial brokerage and
Leasing on a commission basis. Over the years Mr. Ford
has represented numerous clients including individuals as
well as both small corporations and public traded companies.
He has been a member of the local, state and national Real
Estate Boards since 1983. Mr. Ford is also a member of
ICSC and regularly attends ICSC conferences.
Mr. Ford has owned and developed many different properties
over the years. Some of the major properties include an eleven
office building in Lubbock, Tx, a ten story office building, in
Amarillo, Tx. He also developed a medical complex adjacent to
St. Anthony's Hospital in Amarillo, Tx.
Dick grew up in Amarillo, Tx, served in the U.S. Navy Seabees
and then attended West Texas A & M. He graduated with majors
in Finance and Public Administration in 1980.
He has been married since 1980 and has two children and one grandson.
Check out Dick's favorite web pages:
· RoederHarleyDavidsonCom
· AmericanSuperCampCom
· FlatTrack.Com
· Beach Street Business Park.Com
Cooke Ranch, named after Mr. Ford's father-in-law Bill Cooke, has been
owned and managed by Dick Ford since 1985. The ranch produces Black
and Black Baldie Calves from its Angus Cows and Bulls. All calves qualify
to be fed through the B-3R Program, are hormone free and have never been
fed antibiotics. The calves typically grade choice or better. Please take a
look at our calves. We also usually have a good selection of Angus Bred
Heifers for sale.
For information contact:
Jim Kingston , Manager - 806-856-5349 or 806-672-4154 (cell phone)
Cooke Ranch is located approximately ten miles northeast of Hedley,
Venture Capital Funding:
Dick Ford Company, through one of its affiliates, Commerce Street
Investments, regularly invests in small undercapitalized companies.
These investments take place in many forms. Some include receivable
factoring, direct ownership interest, lender participation, and
straight debt financing. Through its venture capital financing programs,
Dick Ford Company also offers accounting services for its customers as