Azad Khubani
President, Khubani Enterprises
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Azad leads Khubani Enterprise's private investing and business development activities.
Phone (973) 808-1922
Azad leads Khubani Enterprise's private investing and business development activities.
Property Types
Industrial, Office, Retail
Northern New Jersey
Over the past two decades, he has worked to identify, structure and invest in private companies, commercial and residential real-estate, automotive dealerships, restaurants and hospitality, product licensing and development for business that fuel growth.
With a 25 year track record as a successful automotive dealership businesses he has been a consistent top performer. As a minority owned dealer principal, he is an advocate to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace and has served on the Board of Directors for the National Automotive Minority Dealer Association (NAMDA), Ford Motors Minority Dealers Association (FMMDA) and Daimler Chrysler Minority Dealers Association ((DCMDA). He is an automotive enthusiast and collector.