Anthony Juarez

Anthony Juarez

Broker-Salesman, XLNT Properties

Reno, NV 89501

Phone (775) 223-6205

Property Types
Office, Retail, Multi-Family
English, Spanish, French
Leading a life of integrity wrapped with intellectual interests in economics, technology, and mechanical engineering, Anthony Juarez has an innate ability to focus on the finest details of what is profoundly important to his clients throughout Northern Nevada. Using his skill in data analysis and knowledge of the power of the world wide web, Anthony consistently finds the right solution in a swift and successful fashion. As a native of Nevada, and an Engineering graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno, he also brings a local’s perspective on the region’s educational institutions, business climate, and bourgeoning residential and community developments. “I will never let anyone down and always give my best effort to fulfill my clients’ dreams and desires.” He is as driven to exceed expectations in his professional life as he is at home. Anthony created and directed a local youth group for several years and enjoys every moment supporting the Alzheimer's Association. Outside of his career and charitable efforts, Anthony fine-tunes his own life on the links or hiking throughout the High Sierra. Intelligent and filled with local insight, Anthony can be contacted through Chase International’s Reno, NV, office.
University of Nevada, Reno - B.S., Mechanical Engineering