Angela Zabder
Sales Representative, Stonegate Properties
Milton, ON L0P 1B0
Angela could be found sharing her love of writing and travel with a local BnB and Spa magazine or working with children.
Phone (905) 854-6177
Angela could be found sharing her love of writing and travel with a local BnB and Spa magazine or working with children.
Property Types
Office, Retail
Toronto, Greater Golden Horseshoe
Prior to sharing her time at Stonegate Group of Companies,
In her ever-evolving role with Stonegate she has worked with many contractors and tenants on a daily basis scheduling regular or emergency maintenance, setting up new leasing deals or assignments, or just dealing with daily tenant needs.
At times her role has encompassed marketing , new business ventures, maintaining ongoing safety practices, co-management of a busy local business, facilitating short term rentals and even small tenant repairs.