Mckinney, TX - USA Commercial Real Estate Brokers


Bill Cox

Bill is a Principal in McKinney-based Carey Cox Company, a commercial real estate firm specializing in McKinney and Collin County.

Carey Cox Company | McKinney, TX

Languages: English

office (972) 562-8003 x1


Jon Cox

Serving as an Agent for the Carey Cox Company.

Carey Cox Company | McKinney, TX

office (972) 562-8003


David Cox

Specializes in Commercial Real Estate & Land in Collin County.

Carey Cox Company | McKinney, TX

Languages: English

office (972) 562-8003


Charles McKissick

Full service real estate brokerage with focus on land and commercial real estate

RES-Real Estate Services | McKinney, TX

Languages: English

office (972) 562-9090 x304


Samantha Rollins

SHB Development- StoneBridge Ranch | McKinney, TX

office (214) 973-9111


James T. Craig, III

Licensed real estate broker responsible for the acquisitions and dispositions.

Craig International | McKinney, TX

office (214) 477-0310


Bucky Gillett

Industrial and Commercial Real Estate Development

Gillett Commercial | McKinney, TX

Languages: English

office (949) 422-7227


Staci Heuvel

Carey Cox Company | McKinney, TX

office (972) 562-8003


Kyle Finley

Leasing and property management

The Pinnacle Property Company, Inc. | McKinney, TX

Languages: English

office (972) 632-1124 x1124


Janet Clark-Sela

Broker and Owner of Social Living Real Estate Boutique in McKinney, TX.

Social Living Real Estate Boutique | McKinney, TX

Languages: English

office (214) 945-1970 x700


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