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40+ year old Plumbing & Specialty Heating Co. with Real Estate
Eastsound, WA
Our client is the oldest, largest and best-known plumbing and specialty heating company on Orcas island, earning a superior reputation for quality and timely work....
$1.6M sales, $361k cash flow, Plumbing Biz, Whatcom County, WA
Whatcom County, WA
*UNDER CONTRACT as of 11/11/24* <br /> <br />This owner and business are currently in an exclusivity period with a prospective buyer. While the transaction between...
Northend Established Plumbing Company
Snohomish County, WA
Here is the Perfect opportunity to own a well-established plumbing business. This...
Well Established, Regional Plumbing Expert
Firm hired by commercial and residential clients in the Pacific Northwest The company...
The Pipe Guys
Spanaway, WA
The Pipe Guys specialize in trenchless installation and repair of sewer and water lines...
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