Established Franchise Mailbox and Shipping Business
Mill Creek, WA
For sale: A well-established Mailbox and Shipping Center, founded in 1998, has been successfully serving both local businesses and retail customers. The center...
Gourmet Handmade Chocolate Almond English Toffee Business
Snohomish County, WA
This family-owned, successful, and well-established PNW Gourmet Chocolate Almond English Toffee business may be the right opportunity for you! For 20 years, this...
Commercial Tube Bending, Metal Working and Assembly Services- Niche
Everett, WA
Opportunity: Founder selling a tube bending and assembly company with a 46-year track...
Manufacturing Custom Wood Cabinetry & Furniture
Snohomish County, WA
This business manufactures custom cabinets and wood furniture for luxury residential...
Aerospace Machine Shop Equipment
Lake Stevens, WA
Opportunity to acquire the equipment, tools and instruments of a machine shop that...
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