Party Rental Business for SALE!!!
Tacoma, WA
We are selling our 100% profitable rental business for Bouncers, Tents, Tables & Chairs, and Accessories for parties. It also includes 2 trucks and a van for...
Successful Bounce House/Party Rental Business for Sale
Gig Harbor, WA
We are looking to sell our well established and profitable bounce house/party rental business. We would like to keep the business locally owned. After over two...
Profitable Nightclub for Sale in Seattle/Tacoma
Tacoma, WA
For sale: a highly profitable nightclub located in the vibrant Seattle/Tacoma area,...
Art Gallery/Framing/Commercial Art Installation – 100+ Year History
Pierce County, WA
Established in the late 1800’s this durable business was founded as a custom frame shop...
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