Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Klickitat County, WA. Showing instead
Cannabis. Grow and processing facility (GMP standard)
US company owns producer and processors Tier 3 licenses in Washington state. <br />49,000 sq ft building (where the Flower room is 11,500 sq. ft. and...
Well established winery in Walla Walla, WA
This business presents a compelling opportunity for a buyer looking to enter or expand in the wine industry. Situated in the heart of Walla Walla Valley,...
Washington State Tier 3 Cannabis Greenhouses w/Land; Priced to Sell
Benton County, WA
This profitable business is offered at less than the $3 million value of the land and...
Artisan Cheese Manufacturing Business & Organic Dairy
Bow, WA
Samish Bay Cheese originated in 1996 and has been organic from the start. The current...
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