PRICE REDUCED! Turn key established bakery and cafe
Bremerton, WA
Bakery and cafe specializing in both savory and sweet bakes. Huge following, consistent custom orders, consistent sales, high google reviews, creating bakes that...
Profitable Turnkey Deli/Marine Supplies Establishment
Bremerton, WA
"This Deli has sandwiches that has no competition in the county"; per customer review. In addition to sandwiches, the Deli sells snacks, chips, sodas, juices,...
Kitsap Co – Restaurant and Bar – Multiple Profit Centers
Kitsap County, WA
Experience a fantastic opportunity with multiple profit centers housed within a...
Top Rated Kitsap County Pub - BIG Sales, Profits
Kitsap County, WA
This restaurant & bar is situated in the in a desirable community and profits from a...
Kingston Restaurant and Bar
Kingston, WA
For sale: Profitable restaurant and bar in the heart of Kingston. The 2,600 sq. ft....
Exceptional Opportunity to Own a 3-Unit Papa John's Franchise Package
Kitsap County, WA
Unlock the potential of a thriving enterprise with our exclusive 3-unit package of Papa...
[PENDING] Established Fish & Chips Restaurant in Port Orchard
Port Orchard, WA
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a well-established Fish & Chips...
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