Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Benton County, WA. Showing instead
Turnkey Dry Cleaner business in Bothell
Bothell, WA
Take over a well-established, thriving dry cleaning business with over 25 years of success. Located near Bothell's bustling Thrasher’s Corner shopping center,...
Family run 35+ years, Owner Retiring
Seattle, WA
Thousand new homes around the area. Bright future for a growing business. Modernized and well-established dry cleaning and laundry shop. 2800sq ft of space. ...
Dry cleaners
King County, WA
Please text to agent David Min.<br />Monthly sale $17,000-19,000<br />Unit size...
Well-established dry cleaners with Hydro-Carbon systems
Snohomish County, WA
Stable and High-volume Dry Cleaners with Non-polluting HC system serving the clients...
Well-established TWO dry cleaners
Thurston County, WA
Discover the perfect spots for your dry cleaning business!<br />The owners' two stores...
Dry cleaner in very good location
King County, WA
Asking Price $350,000<br />Monthly sale $37,000<br />Rent $5,200<br />Please text to the...
Thriving Profitable Dry Cleaner: Consistent Growth Yearly
Snohomish County, WA
Established for over two decades in a prime location, this business boasts a loyal and...
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