50 Year Old Promotional Product, Trophy And Custom Embroidery Company
Skagit County, WA
Mister T’s Awards and Embroidery is a staple of the Skagit Valley. Founded in 1974, Mister T’s supplies trophies, awards, logoed clothing, and marketing...
Real Estates Staging Company for Sale
Seattle, WA
Founded in 2019 by two seasoned professionals, this company has quickly grown from a modest $80K in annual revenue to a peak of $450K by 2021. Despite facing...
Nationwide B2B Diamond, Gold & Precious Metals Recycler. 40+ Years
Seattle, WA
This thriving B2B natural diamond and precious metals recycling business has become one...
Washington State Tier 3 Cannabis Greenhouses w/Land; Priced to Sell
Benton County, WA
This profitable business is offered at less than the $3 million value of the land and...
Patented Multi-Use Gardening Tool Business/IP For Sale
Spokane County, WA
Open to a percentage of deferred compensation based on future sales, this manufacturer...
Lucrative Staging Business
King County, WA
Here is your chance to be a part of a 20-year dream, lucrative, staging business. When...
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