Established 35 year Lawncare/Snowplow Business For Sale!
Manchster Ctr, VT
Manchester Vermont, Tom's Lawn Care, inc., established 35 years providing the area's most reputable home services year round Lawn, Fall and Spring Clean-up and...
A stable and well-loved business with a devoted customer base
Waterbury Village Historic District, VT
Imagine providing a high-quality product and service to the community while helping to shape the cultural experience in Waterbury, Vermont. Axel's is a...
B2B Print, Promo & Marketing Business
Washington County, VT
This is a great opportunity to buy an established B2B service provider in Washington County. The business provides print, marketing and design solutions. No...
32 Year old Screen Print and Embroidery Marketing Firm
This Printer is a full-service screen printing and embroidery business located Vermont. Purchased over three decades ago, the business has a proven track record of...
Established B2B with Substantial Cashflow
This full-service commercial printer has been serving the needs of its clients for over 30 years. A turn-key operation, the business has a strong, loyal customer...
Flooring Company Serving Central Vermont and New Hampshire
Windsor County, VT
PRICE REDUCED BY MOTIVATED SELLER! This business has been in operation for many years, incorporating two generations of family ownership. Currently located in the...
Commercial Food Equipment Service Company
The Company repairs, maintains and installs commercial food service equipment for...
Cash Flow: $723,159
7 Flowers Bread Routes - Southern Vermont
Be your own boss! Great starter opportunity in the bread route space! › 7 Bread...
5 Flowers Bread Routes - Northern Vermont
Enter the bread industry at a low cost! › 5 Bread Routes › Weekly Revenue: $71,188 ...
Window World
Available Nationwide
Join Window World, the industry leader in custom exterior home improvement products. Our...
Profitable Off-Premise Catering Company in Chittenden County Vermont
This Catering Company is a 20-year-old, profitable, off-premise food and bar catering...
Cash Flow: $450,000
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