Dessert and Gelato Shop for sale!!!
Pasadena, TX
A trendy Japanese crepe and boba tea shop, priced at $99,000. Located in a high-traffic area, this charming and fully-equipped shop offers a unique fusion of...
huge money maker in the heart of Houston
Pasadena, TX
two appliances'srores one only four months old business but made great success in initial four moths potential to make eighty to hundred thousand dollars a month...
Cheesesteak & Wings Franchise in South Houston Suburb
Pasadena, TX
This award-winning Quick Serve Restaurant (QSR) franchise is located on a busy parkway...
General Dentist Practice Pasadena, TX
Pasadena, TX
General Dentist Practice Pasadena, TX Listing ID 1456911 $350,000 Unique Investment...
Very Profitable & Successful Flooring Business w/ Option RE, E Houston
Pasadena, TX
BUDGET BUSINESS BROKERS: This is an owner operated flooring business. It was...
Great Location for Washateria in Pasadena!
Pasadena, TX
Great Location for Washateria in Pasadena! Located in Pasadena on Spencer Highway with...
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