$50,000 Summerville SC Restaurant Space for Sale
Summerville, SC
A Restaurant For Sale for only $50,000? Located in a High-Pedestrian Shopping Center with Multiple Anchor Brands? Fantastic base rent protection for the next 7...
Montreux Bar & Grill
Summerville, SC
Overview: Located in the heart of downtown Summerville, Montreux Bar & Grill is a premier destination for dining, drinks, and entertainment. This turnkey business...
Reputable HVAC Company For Sale With High Growth
Summerville, SC
An operator or investor’s dream. A long-standing, well run HVAC Company for sale in the great State of South Carolina. With salary to the owner over $150,000 and...
Liquor Store in Charleston, SC - UPDATE: under LOI
Summerville, SC
THE BUSINESS IS UNDER AN LOI. Multiple back up offers already in place as well. Thank you for your interest. Liquor Store for sale in Summerville, SC. Small...
**SALE PENDING** Snyder's-Lance Route For Sale-Summerville SC-$350,000
Summerville, SC
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale Summerville SC-$350,000. #Ownaroute #Buyaroute #Distributorship #SnydersLance #SnydersPretzels #KettleChips #CapeCodChips #LateJuly...
Liquor Store Safe Clean Busy Shopping Center Location
Summerville, SC
Heavy Traffic Location In operation for over 35 years same owner for the past 20 years high volume next door to anchor grocery store
Summerville Restaurant - For Sale
Summerville, SC
This may be an opportunity for you to convert this excellent restaurant space into any...
Liquor Store with 50% + Margins
Summerville, SC
That is not a typo. Lottery sales and check cashing income lifts this liquor stores...
Restaurant For Sale - Summerville, SC
Summerville, SC
Description: • Open Floor Plan: Spacious layout with high ceilings. • Fully Equipped...
Lemon Tree Hair Salons
Available Nationwide
With over 40 years of experience we have worked to perfect our business model! We now...
Capital Equipment Manufacturer for Construction, Mining, Concrete
Summerville, SC
Note: The seller is only interested in a strategic buyer. This business has patents on...
Cash Flow: $2,000,000
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