Heating and Air Conditioning Contractor
Kershaw County, SC
Since 2012, this well established company has grown primarily by referrals by way of providing HVAC maintenance and new installation services to their local...
Flowers Bread Route, Camden, SC
Camden, SC
Flowers Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Camden, South Carolina region for $148,000! Company related financing available with an estimated $62,000 down....
Profitable Franchise for Sale in SC!! Over 1 Million in Sales!!
Pontiac, SC
Are you ready to invest in a thriving Food Franchise that promises both profitability...
Restaurant for Sale in Downtown Camden- Seller Financing Available!
Camden, SC
Why wait? This is your golden opportunity to purchase a charming Restaurant For Sale at...
Camden SC Real Estate - Restaurant For Sale
Camden, SC
COMMERCIAL SITE - +/- 40 Acres (30 Buildable, 10 Wetlands) Approximately 1300 feet...
Camden, SC - Convenience Store & Liquor Store
Camden, SC
Convenience Store & Liquor Store business for sale Located in Camden, SC, in Kershaw...
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