Lehigh Co Bar/restaurant For Sale W/ R-Liquor License
Whitehall, PA
LEHIGH CO - Doing $10,500/wk. 80% liquor. Five apartments, plus 7 rooms, excellent rental income. Bar seats 20, bar area seats 60, dining room seats 40. Same...
Sports Bar and Night Club
Lehigh County, PA
This is really two businesses in one. On one side you get the sports bar style restaurant which has 15 tables and seats 22 at the bar. Then on the other side there...
Confidential Beer 6-Pack Store with "R" License and Real Estate
Bethlehem, PA
Well-established, turnkey, beer 6-pack store. Sale includes business, real estate, and...
Cabaret & Hotel
Coopersburg, PA
Charming Cabaret & Hotel turnkey with Cash Flow. Hotel pays all costs of operations....
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