Profitable Juice Bar with Consistent Growth
Harrisburg, PA
This juice bar was founded by 2 partners with a focus on bringing natural food and drink items to the community. What started as a small shop in 2022 quickly grew...
Popular Pizzeria in Harrisburg Metro Area
Harrisburg, PA
This well-established 2,200 sq. ft. pizza restaurant offers an incredible opportunity for a new owner to elevate its success even further. Located in a highly...
Retail Food Space, Equipment For Desserts and Bakery Business
Hershey, PA
Profitable retail space offers an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to...
Price Improved: Harrisburg Area Concession Business
Harrisburg, PA
This concession business comes with everything you need to be successful including 4...
Price Improvement: Middletown Pizza Shop
Middletown, PA
This fully-equipped pizza shop and bar is in a busy part of the Middletown area. With...
Indian Restaurant near Harrisburg PA
Dauphin County, PA
An Indian restaurant near Harrisburg PA is up for sale. It remains busy due to highway...
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