Established Bagel Franchise for Sale
Allentown, PA
Seize this incredible opportunity to own a well-established business. Nestled in a bustling retail center with nationally recognized anchor stores and ample...
Frutta Bowls Location- Allentown, PA
Allentown, PA
Frutta Bowls is the fastest growing superfoods cafe in the nation, providing healthy alternatives to traditional fast food chains in the form of Acai, Pitaya &...
This high quality meat market with import specialty products
Allentown, PA
Seize this incredible opportunity to own a well-established business for decades. This...
Lehigh County "R" Liquor License
Allentown, PA
Will be available for transfer immediately we are looking for a final end user Lehigh...
See more results when you broaden your search from Allentown to Lehigh County.
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