Manufacture & Distribution of Food products to all of Oregon
Portland, OR
The headquarters of the Manufacturing business has a restaurant that thrived before the shutdown of the pandemic. It is located only 2 blocks from the Portland...
B2B Service Ctr. - Promotional Print & Marketing
Portland, OR
This is a great business to own for families, partnerships and sole proprietors. The business provides print, marketing and design solutions. No experience is...
Market Ready Multi-Use Unique Personal Watercraft with Patent
Portland, OR
Product Engineers and owners of this company have researched, designed, tested and patented an awesome high...
Turn-Key!! WOW Worthy Edible Arrangements & Gift Business
Portland, OR
Famous for their fresh fruit arrangements & legendary chocolate Dipped Fruit™ boxes and made the Entrepreneur Magazine's top 500 list! Their signature edible...
Iconic Pacific NW Artificial Lure Manufacturer
Portland, OR
Iconic Pacific Northwest artificial fishing lure manufacturer with over 70 years of...
Popular Teriyaki Restaurant with Newer Equipments
Portland, OR
Popular teriyaki restaurant at highly exposed free standing building is located at the...
Home based, online seller of modern cabinets / kitchen design services
Portland, OR
Nice home based business with online presence allowing homeowners to design custom made,...
Unique Korean Fusion Restaurant for Sale - New Price
Portland, OR
Business Opportunity Only. This sophisticated Korean restaurant is famous for growing...
Established and Profitable Machine Shop, Owner Financing Available
Portland, OR
Established and profitable full-service Machine shop / Fabrication shop (Estab. 1950),...
Available Nationwide
The nation’s leading wide-format printing/graphics franchise. Top 25% Average Goss Sales...
Custom Embroidery and Printing
Portland, OR
PRINTING AND EMBROIDERY company Successfully established Printing and Embroidery...
Medical mask maker with disabled vet GSA contracts
Portland, OR
Medical mask manufacturing company based in Oregon that produces a surgical mask for...
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