Brunch Restaurant for Sale PDX
Portland, OR
Single Building Big outdoor seating front and back busy street Se Belmont
Neighborhood bistro and bar located in the south Portland area.
Portland, OR
Neighborhood bistro and bar located in the south Portland area. Small, absentee owner ran. Needs chef operated for full potential. Full Bar, full kitchen. Long...
Profitable Specialty Food and Beverage Business on Hawthorne!
Portland, OR
Profitable specialty food and beverage business in trendy Hawthorne neighborhood!...
Well Established Burger Joint
Portland, OR
We are a very family friendly, dog friendly neighborhood restaurant. we serve the best...
Eastside Bar and Grill - NEW Price! $299,000
Portland, OR
Neighborhood Tavern with Lottery, Sports and Solid Pub Grub
Portland, OR
*** This is a confidential offering for an established business. Please contact broker...
Well Established and Maintained Sub & Teriyaki Restaurant for Sale
Portland, OR
Well Established and Maintained Sub & Teriyaki Restaurant for Sale. Clean & Big seating...
NW Pearl Neighborhood Bar and Restaurant w/cozy outdoor patio
Portland, OR
-Great Pearl District location, central to the vibrant Portland food & beverage scene....
Turn-Key Bar with Type 1 Hood & Outdoor Patio in Excellent Location
Portland, OR
Fully built out Restaurant and Bar with 7' Type 1 Hood, new grease interceptor, outdoor...
Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken
Available Nationwide
Join Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken: A Legendary Brand with $1.8M AUV, Strong Unit...
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