Well Established Stone & Wood Engraving Business. 10 Yrs Steady Growth
Vancouver, WA
Excellent Opportunity to own a fulfilling business that allows limitless creativity. We began this engraving business in 2012, and within a few short years it...
Christmas wreaths and garland - Ecommerce
Oregon City, OR
Oregon Holiday Wreaths handcrafts beautiful, highly decorated wreaths. The wreaths are made with Noble Fir, Douglas Fir, Incense Cedar, Juniper, Holly Berries, and...
Ready to use PDX Advertising website with SEO traction and reviews
Beaverton, OR
Hello! I built this advertising website/GMB/Facebook page a while ago but would like to sell to a local company...
Home based, online seller of modern cabinets / kitchen design services
Portland, OR
Nice home based business with online presence allowing homeowners to design custom made, kitchen cabinet surfaces then have local contractors install the products....
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