Iconic Bend Oregon Bakery for Sale
Bend, OR
Profitable company year after year, long-term, experienced and cross-trained employees, numerous high volume wholesale accounts, vibrant retail business, best in...
Cooking School and Full Commissary Kitchen
Bend, OR
This business is sold. This is a turn-key 1800 square-foot commercial kitchen that maintains two focuses for business. One is a full commissary kitchen that...
Thriving Restaurant Opportunity on Bend’s West Side
Bend, OR
Step into ownership of a well-established restaurant in one of Bend’s most desirable...
Fantastic Barbecue Business
Bend, OR
Step into the mouthwatering world of Bad Boys Barbecue, this business is ready for its...
Established West Bend Restaurant
Bend, OR
High-volume, popular restaurant in great location on the west side of Bend. Revenue is...
Turnkey Restaurant and Bar For Sale
Bend, OR
Discover an exciting opportunity to own your own restaurant in the vibrant city of Bend,...
Established and Thriving Downtown Restaurant For Sale
Bend, OR
An established and thriving restaurant in Downtown Bend is available for purchase. This...
Lively Cocktail Bar & Night Club for Sale - Absentee Business
Bend, OR
Explore the heartbeat of downtown nightlife! This vibrant nightclub is your ticket to a...
Old Mill District - Mill Works Pub
Bend, OR
Don’t miss this rare opportunity in Bend’s thriving Old Mill District—a bustling center...
810 Billiards & Bowling
Available Nationwide
810 is an upscale bowling, entertainment and dining experience where friends and family...
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