Business for Sale: Professional Window Cleaning & More
Tulsa, OK
This reputable window cleaning business has been serving both residential and commercial clients with outstanding results. Known for its commitment to quality and...
Franchise Drug Testing Laboratory in Oklahoma
Tulsa, OK
Own and Grow a Promising Drug, Alcohol & DNA testing Franchise! Are you passionate about customer service and eager to make a mark in the booming testing...
Green Carpet Cleaning Franchise! TULSA metro, Grand Lake, NE OK!
Tulsa County, OK
SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE!! Excellent upside on proven growth potential. Specializing in quick-drying, long-lasting, affordable carpet cleaning services, this...
Boring, dirty, essential business!! Drain and Sewer Clean outs!
Tulsa, OK
Manage the manager! A great place to invest your money without day-to-day commitment. Business is simple yet CRUCIAL! Multiple streams of revenue. Drain and...
Commercial Services Business Ready To Boom
Tulsa County, OK
Everything you need to grow a great business is included in this outstanding opportunity! Inventory and a significant amount of equipment is included. Great long...
HIGH Gross Margins Custom Closet/Garage/Office
Tulsa, OK
Own a thriving custom closet and storage solutions business, renowned for its local expertise and life-transforming designs. Utilizing state-of-the-art...
Tulsa Tax Practice For Sale
Tulsa County, OK
• Owner focusing on other business. Willing to assist buyer to transition clients. •...
Profitable Home-Based Real Estate Firm in Tulsa
Tulsa, OK
For Sale: This business builds wealth through a portfolio of managed properties, and...
Heating,Air Conditioning Services and Indoor Air Quality
Tulsa, OK
New Technology and EPA Regulations fills the need. The executive model allows you to...
Maid Brigade
Available in Oklahoma
Choose MAID BRIGADE. HERE’S WHY. 35-year Proven Systems Franchise with over 371...
Busy, Heating and Air Conditioning Business: New Installs and Repairs
Tulsa, OK
The sale price includes vehicles and all equipment assets needed to run daily...
Tulsa, OK Children's Business for Sale $30,000
Broken Arrow, OK
This is a great opportunity to take over a thriving educational service business in...
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