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Jed's Barbecue & Brew
Toledo, OH
VERY POPULAR JED'S Barbecue & Brew located in West Toledo available for sale. The Bar & Grill is doing a thriving business of $140,000+ in sales per month. This...
Turnkey, Well Established Restaurant in Lucas County Ohio
Lucas County, OH
FOR SALE! A complete turnkey in Lucas county restaurant in a very high traffic area. This 5000 square feet restaurant is ready for the right buyer. Rent is $8335...
Located outside Toledo Ecletic Grill serving Healthy Food
Toledo, OH
Attractive, market leading prime mall location outside of Toledo and visibility of 690...
Two Great Restaurants - Fresh & Healthy Food
Toledo, OH
Dual, twin pack, two restaurant package. The only two members of this leading franchise...
Upscale Fresh Food & Grill Restaurant for sale
Toledo, OH
Modern, upscale, eclectic fresh food grilled in front of you. Favorite fresh...
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