Long-Established Bar for Sale Near University of Akron
Akron, OH
Looking to invest in a thriving, well-established business in a prime location? This long-standing, iconic bar near the University of Akron is the perfect...
For Sale-$150k-Seller Financing-Restaurant-Drive-Thru-Liquor License
Akron, OH
This well-established business has enjoyed long-term success, and the owner is planning to retire. It includes a liquor license, music stage, patio, drive-thru...
75k-Seller Financing-Carry-Out Dine-In Restaurant
Akron, OH
New Location, quaint town atmosphere, in the heart of town. This location has all-new...
$75K-Seller Financing-High Volume Carry-Out & Dine-In
Akron, OH
Today is all about food delivery. More people are ordering food to go than ever before...
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