Professional Plumbing Services Business - Owner Retiring
Dayton, OH
The company provides: residential and commercial plumbing services bathroom and kitchen drain clea hot water heaters, tanks Consumer Service Pl Emergency Services
7M Sales Kitchen and Bath Remodeler Est. 30+ Yrs
Dayton, OH
Kitchen and bathroom remodeling business established for 30+ years in SW Ohio. This operation has grown steadily and profitably over the long history to...
20+ Year Distribution, Installation, and Repair Company
Dayton, OH
This company is operated by the original retirement aged owner who has built his reputation on respect, trust, and great customer service. Among the many...
High Demand Parking Lot Services Business in Dayton
Dayton, OH
This thriving local business is revolutionizing the parking lot maintenance industry with unprecedented growth and minimal organized competition. The sale includes...
Thriving Commercial Construction Materials Supplier
Montgomery County, OH
This long-standing distributor specializes in commercial construction materials and...
Well-established, profitable interior design business
Dayton, OH
Well-established, profitable interior design business which specializes in creatively...
Under Contract-Established Plumbing Business NEW PRICE
Dayton, OH
Full-service plumbing business in Montgomery County Ohio with over 40 years of success!...
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