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Building including business for sale
Toledo, OH
The owners are ready to retirement. The building was build on 2003 and the business established for 30 years. The building is 6000 Sq. ft in 1 acre land.
Gas Station in Toledo***PENDING***
Toledo, OH
Don’t pass up this opportunity to take over this Gas Station located in Toledo Ohio right off a major highway! The C-Store averages $80,000 monthly. The gallons...
Famous Franchise C-Store for Sale
Lucas County, OH
**PRICE TO SELL<br />- This is a sure shot, recession proof business. This is a easy way to get into a business world (low point of entry) good for seasoned or...
E-Commerce Business with 50% Repeat Customers
Toledo, OH
This is a long-standing e-commerce firm with a niche product line targeting outdoor enthusiasts. Sales are direct to consumer, marketed only on the company...
C-store with a great location
Lucas County, OH
- Yearly sales approx. 1.8 million<br />- Very famous grocery store for sale<br />-...
Toledo Established Flooring Sales and Installation Business
Toledo, OH
This is an existing business for resale with trained staff, existing accounts and...
Established Nutrition and Tanning Center
Toledo, OH
GREAT PROFITABLE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Established in 2004. City Tan & Nutrition...
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