Commercial Oven Hood, Vent, and Duct Cleaning
Cincinnati, OH
Own a well-established commercial vent, duct, and oven hood cleaning service. This business operates in a traditionally fragmented market, ripe for consolidation...
35 Year Deli, Grocery, & Produce Company
Cincinnati, OH
The retirement aged & original owner of this “hidden gem” is proud of the excellent reputation that has been established by his staff. The store offers a wide...
A Rare Opportunity to Own a Beloved Local Gem!
Hamilton County, OH
A Rare Opportunity to Own a Beloved Local Gem! Here’s your chance to step into an...
Korean Fried Chicken Franchise
Cincinnati, OH
A well-established franchise restaurant. Includes all FFE and liquor license D 1 2 3...
Established Cash Flowing Independent Seafood Restaurant
Cincinnati, OH
Established Seafood restaurant in a strong East Side retail area. Turn key, $1.6-2.2m...
Game Time Sports Bar & Grill, Cheviot
Cheviot, OH
If you are looking for an opportunity to run your own Bar and Restaurant, look no...
Prizewinning Wing Restaurant
Hamilton County, OH
Many restaurants say they have the best wings in town, this company has the awards to...
Long-Tenured Family Restaurant For Sale
Hamilton County, OH
An exceptional opportunity awaits to acquire an esteemed, long-tenured family restaurant...
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