Semi-Absentee, Healthy Food Vending Business
Columbus, OH
This vending machine business specializes in healthy snacks and beverages. Strategically located in high-traffic areas such as gyms, hospitals, schools, and...
High-Margin Vending Machine Business - Thriving
Columbus, OH
Lucrative - Semi-Passive- Healthy Snacks & Drinks Vending Machine Business in the Columbus OH area. Ran semi-absentee, great margins, very scalable. Each machine...
State of the Art Vending Business
Columbus, OH
This state-of-the-art vending business is your chance to earn high-margin, semi-passive...
Established 24/7 Columbus, Ohio Vending Location For Sale
Columbus, OH
1 machine vending location for sale in Columbus, Ohio Location is open 24/7 Current...
Central Ohio Established Vending Routes
Columbus, OH
Great opportunity to take over well-established vending routes in central Ohio. There...
Vending Machines & Locations Throughout Columbus.
Columbus, OH
Turn-key vending route opportunity with several machines and very desirable locations...
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