Raleigh, NC -Kickboxing Franchise for Sale
Raleigh, NC
Get your own pre-built kickboxing fitness studio with an existing membership base in Raleigh without having to deal with city permits or long construction...
RowHouse Raleigh Midtown for Sale - Fully Operational Business!
Raleigh, NC
At RowHouse, we know anyBODY can row. Our 30 and 45 minute workouts include resistance training and low-impact...
Established Franchised Specialty Training Center
North Hills, NC
MOTIVATED SELLER. BRING OFFERS This business is positioned for rapid growth with a new...
Cash Flow: $1
Women's Comprehensive Lifestyle Fitness Gym And Coaching Business
Cary, NC
Discover the opportunity to own a thriving sanctuary in the fitness world with this...
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