Successful Established Chiropractic Office
Raleigh, NC
Established chiropractic office in a premier North Raleigh location, serving a diverse mix of patients for over 10 years with the current owner. This turnkey 2500...
Adore Real Talent Ballroom dance studio
Raleigh, NC
Adore Real Talent is a small Ballroom dance studio that teaches private, group,and wedding lessons. It also provided alternative options to promote creativity;...
Profitable Orthotic & Prosthetic Business
Raleigh, NC
This orthotic and prosthetic business is strategically situated within a prime medical hub. This unique business promises recession-proof stability, as our...
Raleigh, NC -Kickboxing Franchise for Sale
Raleigh, NC
Get your own pre-built kickboxing fitness studio with an existing membership base in Raleigh without having to deal with city permits or long construction...
RowHouse Raleigh Midtown for Sale - Fully Operational Business!
Raleigh, NC
At RowHouse, we know anyBODY can row. Our 30 and 45 minute workouts include resistance training and low-impact...
Dripbar Franchise Location For Sale!
Raleigh, NC
Own a Dripbar franchise for less than a new franchise fee! This Franchisee has done most of the work for you to open your own Dripbar location in a busy area of...
In-Home Senior Care Services
Raleigh, NC
This well-established in-home care company offers a wide range of home care services and...
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