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Hydraulics Repair, Parts Distribution, Outdoor Equip Dealer & Rentals
Raleigh, NC
This business actually has a number of profit centers. They have a small machine shop that makes parts for the hydraulics industry, service repairs to hydraulic...
Cash Flow: $350,000
Manufacturer of Conveyors for Food Manufacturers / Material Handling
Raleigh, NC
This 20 plus year old company manufactures and designs food processing systems and conveyors - belt systems include Straight, Incline and Spiral. Excellent...
Cash Flow: $6,500,000
Company offers Centrifuge Repair and Consulting - great-'roll-up'
Mills River, NC
The Company offers consulting services which includes start up, Operator Training with...
Custom Machine Job Shop - Owners Retiring
Washington, NC
A well established customer machine (job) shop located in beautiful Washington, NC. The...
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