Hotel & Restaurant 2min from the Beach
Carolina Beach, NC
61 room hotel with pool, ample parking and adjacent bar & restaurant with outdoor space, corn hole, volley ball and more. Fully operational. Management in place....
Bustling Beach Bar & Restaurant
New Hanover County, NC
Own a slice of paradise! This restaurant and bar boast breathtaking views and is loaded with opportunity and is potentially seller financed. It is in one of the...
Reduced! The German Cafe - Opportunity Abounds
Wilmington, NC
This family restaurant was formed in 1985 by Alice, Caroland & Harvey Hudson (Jr). Alice...
Established Restaurant in Downtown Wilmington
Wilmington, NC
Due to the success of restaurants in the Wilmington market throughout the pandemic there...
Popular Bistro in Downtown District
Wilmington, NC
One of Downtown Wilmington’s most charming bistros. Located in a Downtown District, this...
2 QSR Locations - High Profit
Wilmington, NC
2 small qsr restaurants available in the Wilmington market, both ideally located in high...
One of Downtown Wilmington's Most Popular Restaurants!
Wilmington, NC
Another great opportunity that Momentum Companies has the privilege to...
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