Bimbo Bread & Snack Rte..Nets $105k..40 Hrs/Wk..ONLY $60k Dn.
YES - YES...This is a new type Bimbo Route that combines a Bread Route and a Snack Route. The UNBELIEVABLY nice thing that Bimbo has done with this...
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale- Charlotte NC-$130,000
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale in Charlotte NC-$130,000. #Ownaroute #Buyaroute #Distributorship #Snyder’s-Lance #Snyder’sPretzels #KettleChips...
Sara Lee & Thomas Bread Route, Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC
Sara Lee & Thomas Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Charlotte, North Carolina area for $240,000! Company financing with $77,000 down! Currently grossing...
Snyders Chip Rte..Serves 7 Food Lions..Nets $102k....SALE PENDING
Charlotte, NC
Approximately $53k down...Company to Finance Remainder 10 years. THIS ROUTE COVERS CONCORD AND KANNAPOLIS. Owner is ONLY selling this Cash Cow route due to very...
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale Charlotte NC-$139,000
Charlotte, NC
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale Charlotte NC-$139,000 #Ownaroute #Buyaroute #Distributor #Distributorship #SnydersLance #ForSale #SnydersPretzels #KettleChips...
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route, Lancaster, SC
Charlotte, NC
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Lancaster, South Carolina area for $135,000! Company financing available with $62,000 down! Currently...
Great South Charlotte pool company with high end clientele
Charlotte, NC
We are a full-service swimming pool maintenance and repair company. We are approaching 200 recurring weekly year-round clients and have full-time mechanics able to...
Chifles Plantain Chips Route, Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC
Chifles Plantain Chips Master Distributorship for sale in the Charlotte, North Carolina region for $155,000! Currently grossing an estimated $528,684 year in sales...
Charlotte, NC - ATM route for sale
Charlotte, NC
14 ATM Locations in Charlotte, NC All high-end Hotels - making $38,000/yr NET (outside of Gas and time) for sale for $91,000 Buyer must join the ACFN ATM...
Fresh Coat Painters
Available in North Carolina
Over 166 Fresh Coat owners have taken control of their lives by taking control of their careers with our franchise. When you buy a Fresh Coat franchise, you are in...
Paper Product Company for Sale in Charlotte
Charlotte, NC
Eight year old paper product distribution company for sale in Charlotte/Union County....
Snack & Drinks Vending Machines - Huge Margins & Thriving
Charlotte, NC
Lucrative - Semi-Passive - Healthy snacks & drinks vending machine business covering...
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